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Will the Curse of Poverty Farmer in Bojonegoro is Over?

Hendrik Ferdi Setiawan

ABTRACT: many people say that Indonesia is a country that "Gemah Ripah Loh Jinawe". One of the legendary band Indonesia, koes ploes also slip a word " orang bilang tanah kita tanah surga, tongkat kayu dan batu jadi tanaman (people say our land is the land of heaven, wooden sticks and stones so the plant)" it signifies that anything planted in this country can flourish, but it absolutely does not depict the prosperity of farmers in the country. Thus they felt as trapped among chunks of chunks of gold. Indeed strange isn't it? The nation which he said had already become independent 68 years ago, yet a third of its people are still far below the poverty line. We need a leader that can trial on its people, who can give a better change for farmers, not only prosper but can also develop a developed agricultural system in this beloved country.

Keywords: farmers, agricultural systems, Bojonegoro

Natural resources are owned by Indonesia was incredible, no wonder if many people used to europe who want to master Indoneesia . Not only natural beauty, biological diversity, but also the soil fertility. Initially they just wanted to get to Indonesian spices at a cheap price, but so view the situation directly, they began to be tempted to get any in Indonesia. From this at the start of the sufferings of farmers, they were forced to plant crops the colonists desired, they are also required to pay land tax and deposit the harvest to the invaders. Really sad suffering they experienced in 3.5 centuries ago when in fact the land is theirs.
Chant proclamation made ​​little farmers can breathe easier, they've not had to submit or yield tribute to the ruler. At the launching of the new order once the Green Revolution, this program makes them more prosperous unf. They also fostered and superior seed to be self-sufficient in food. But only 50 years have passed there is another problem that must be faced by this big nation, many public officials involved in corruption cases causing excessive inflation. The state can not control this problem until the value of the rupiah against the dollar fell drastically which resulted in a national economic crisiss. Staples that continue to make people jumped the scream of hunger. Emotion of the people making the students requested that the president Suharto to step down.
Future reforms will be better thought of the new order , but after 15 years of intermittent prosperity has not seen a smile on the face of the farmer , whether it indicates there is still injustice in this nation , then how are we to restore their smile is fading ? It is appropriate that the farmers are demanding justice , however they also are part of the founding of this nation , without them INDONESIA WILL NOT FREEDOM  then why is the government still see the eyes of our farmers. They are more concerned with the contents of his stomach in a way to bring foreign robbers to dredge our property . Is this the leader who spirited knight Garuda ?
In the Middle of the limitations of the farmers in Indonesia, particularly bojonegoro keep trying my best to harvest abundant. They continue to strive to give nutrients to the plants even though the price of fertilizer at planting time soared. As a result, they become poor because of high expenses and subsistence agricultural productions while the income of the agricultural sector as well as a side job altogether inadequate. The poor farmer's life as Jan Breman and Gunawan researched Wiradi reveal a very sad fact that many farm families are susceptible to meet food needs. (Breman, 2004)
They stuck with the Liberal economic system , low crop prices which proves that farmers are once again becoming a victim . The government should also contribute in this issue , if the issue continues to drag on when farmers can move forward ? . And also when we can stop importing basic goods from other countries . With little to promote agriculture to reduce poverty of the farmers , and agricultural production in the country will be able to compete with other countries . So if the price of soybean and other basic commodities in the global market rose , soybean artisans had no trouble obtaining raw materials for domestic products that have been qualified.

Bojonegoro Farmers and the Curse of Poverty
If we talk about farmers and farming Bojonegoro apparently can not be separated from poverty maps almost ingrained . Supposing, between farmers and poverty as a curse that has become difficult to be released from his destiny . In the past , farmers and the curse of poverty lies in the limitation of natural resources and human resources ( HR ) at the time the farmer to manage it , so that the farmer is always stuck in a puddle of poverty . At present , the poverty circle twisting on the absence , or at least the lack of access of farmers to be free from poverty maps .
About the curse of poverty of farmers in Bojonegoro this long ago been revealed CLM Penders , scientist Department of History, University of Queensland , Australia . In a study length as outlined in his book  Bojonegoro 1900-1942 : A Story of Endemic Poverty in North - East Java - Indonesia) , Penders explain the facts of poverty it has been wrapped around the farmers Bojonegoro since past .
According to Penders ( 1984:8 ) , the Dutch colonial literature , Bojonegoro area is always portrayed as one of the poorest and most underdeveloped regions in Java . The land is mostly barren and almost no irrigation or flood mitigation work . Beyond the river valleys lush and Baureno Pelem district , Bojonegoro poor quality agricultural land and consists of clay with a high content of lime and less phosphate .
Heavy rain caused flooded land in the region , so the lack of air and result in root decay of rice stalks . During the dry season the soil is always dry out and cause large cracks , sometimes up to 5 meters deep . But a fertile area near the river Solo also often be futile affected by flooding during the rainy season .
Almost absolute dependence on the severity of the weather made ​​farming in Bojonegoro as a risky business . Crop failures and food shortages are common place in Bojonegoro . To reduce the possibility of famine caused by crop failure , farmers in the region since ancient Bojonegoro ( until now ) to plant crops on dry land ( dry land ) them . They grow staple crops such as maize , and tobacco are also sold in the domestic market of Java .
In the present conditions , even long after the country 's independence, protection in the form of policies that defend the interests of farmers are still far from the truth . Instead able to protect , a fact which occurs gradually agricultural area ( rice and upland ) that is actually a fundamental and absolute basis for the creation of regional and national food security , continues to shrink , eroded from year to year .
Based on the data in Figures published Bojonegoro Central Statistics Agency ( BPS ) Bojonegoro , in 1996 vast rice field in Bojonegoro reached 76 thousand hectares more . Most of the land , which is 61.35 percent , which is the only rainfed rice can be planted more than once in a year . This means that policies to encourage local governments were able to ' conquer ' nature into a force capable arid became the backbone of food security still not up to run , to say nothing at all .
In fact , the trend of erosion of agricultural land from year to year is likely to pick up . Based on the results of BPS Bojonegoro of the book in Figures 2004 , compared with 2004 in 1996 , wide rice field in Bojonegoro experienced significant shrinkage . In 1996 , wide rice field in Bojonegoro still reach 76 thousand hectares more .
However , in 2004 vast rice field in Bojonegoro be 71.44 thousand hectares or reduced to 5,000 hectares ( approximately 7 percent ) than the previous eight years . Of that number , only 20 percent of irrigated rice fields of technical , semi- technical rice 8.4 percent , and the rest is rainfed . Largely because of land erosion converted into land for settlement , mining and oil and gas (oil ) .
Amount of land for agriculture in 2004 continues to experience shrinkage. Therefor , since 2004 until now , the majority of agricultural land in the area of ​​oil and gas , both in the District and Kalitidu Ngasem incoming Cepu Block , as well as in the District of Cotton and Bojonegoro City incoming Sukowati field , also converted into land for the benefit of the industry .
This special only until mid-2011 farming land in four districts ( Ngasem , Kalitidu , Cotton , and the City of Bojonegoro ) are converted into industrial land is reduced to about 700 hectares . Does not rule out the possibility that agricultural land is converted to the more widespread , because in 2013 the Cepu block is targeted to reach the peak of oil production , thus requiring more land to be used for a variety of facilities and infrastructure capable of supporting mobility misfits and production of oil and gas blocks Cepu .
Referring to the facts above , beyond to the national interest , it can be analyzed that one of the causes of the widespread land converted to industrial land due to lack of government protection in maintaining production resources for food security . So it is not surprising that after the news of crop failure ( puso ) , pests , until the threat of food crisis into the headlines or headlines in the media .
In 2010 many farmers continue to fight injustice . In April 2010 the injustice and suffering experienced by many farmers reported : Harga Gabah Jatuh, Petani Kesulitan Tanam: Sawah di Ende Terancam Gagal Panen, Kualitas Gabah Turun, Pupuk: Harga di Kios-kios Melebihi Harga Eceran Tertinggi, Nasib Petani Terpuruk: Saat Harga Gabah Jatuh, Harga Pupuk Bersubsidi Justru
Naik, Petani Padi Dikorbankan. In response to this Khudori wrote an opinion piece titled Tragedi Petani di Negeri Agraris (Tragedy farmers voiced screams at the State Farmers Agriculture) .
The possibility of this occurrence, true food insecurity that often befall families impoverished farmers in 2010, where fertile farmland in the Java area is reduced . Of course this will also cause problems for farmers in the Bojonegoro area to retain and preserve land cultivation of his farm . Facing the agrarian question which is always detrimental to farmers , in 2010 Thousands of Farmers Reject Entire Java criminalized : They Urge Immediate Applicable Agrarian Reform Bill (RUU Reforma Agraria).
In fact , the explanation of Article 14 of Law No. 5 of 1960 on Basic Agrarian (pasal 14 UU Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 tentang Pokok Agraria) mentioned , to achieve what the ideals of the nation and the state in the field of agriculture, the need for a plan ( planning) regarding the allocation, use and supply of earth , water and air space to the various interests of the people and country life , which is included in this is the availability and food security .
Planning that includes a public plan (national planning) which covers the entire territory of Indonesia , which is then broken down into specific plans ( regional planning) from each region . Given that planning , the use of land can be done on a regular basis and guided up to bring maximum benefit to the country and the people , as stated in article 33 of the 1945 Constitution (pasal 33 UUD 1945).
So far , the regional government planning to create food security stability in the form of regulation is still not too visible . In fact , the impression arises that the local government so easily give permission to those who want to convert agricultural land into industrial land , without regard to its impact on the stability of regional and national food security .
Could be , we need to reflect signaled Penders ( 1984:16 ) that in 1900 , Bojonegoro people may be more miserable than the compulsory age for early 1840 . Because , private companies have failed to break the vicious circle of economic suffering in Bojonegoro . Post- it , turn the colonial administration to actively participate in economic and social affairs in this area through the implementation of a policy called political ethics are strongly influenced socialist secular and religious thought which dominate the Dutch political scene at that time .
Actually, the root of the problem and the suffering caused by several things including farmers Farmers are facing problems mastery of agricultural productive resources are increasingly marginalized . Soil or land , water or irrigation problems , until the seeds are increasingly unable to mastery controlled by farmers . Because the urgency to shift agricultural lands taken over into industrial land , mining , and settlement . In terms of sustainable agricultural development , farmers weakened by modern agricultural systems that stem from the green revolution . Seed systems , fertilizers , and pesticides dominated by industry and the majority of farmers are already entangled in it . In addition , fair trade into the fundamental problems faced by farmers daily . At harvest time is always the case that the price of agricultural production at the farm level is low, while when it's needed the farmer purchased price is always high . Including the price of rice and agricultural inputs required peasant farmers often cut-throat . Prioritization of the national food system is based on imports often detrimental to farmers in the country and become a big problem for self-sufficiency and food security of farmers in Bojonegoro . ( Wijaya , 2007)
Conclusion: All sorts of issues that farmers dihhadapi Bojonegoro area will definitely see a bright spot and quickly resolved if the public, local governments, as well as industry players synergize with no one injured party, since all human beings are social creatures who can not live alone. If the sense of egoism among individuals can be reduced by means of industry players to sell fertilizer at reasonable prices, the government provides operational support farm subsidies, and farmers are working hard to manage their fields, the three elements of this synergy so that if successful crop farmer will still buy fertilizer the industry players and the government does not need to import basic commodities from other countries.

Breman, Jan, Gunawan Wiradi.2004. Masa Cerah dan Masa Suram di Pedesaan Jawa: Studi Kasus Dinamika Sosio-Ekonomi di Dua Desa Menjelang Akhir Abad Ke-20, Jakarta: -
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Pasal 14 UU Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 tentang Pokok Agraria
Pasal 33 UUD 1945
Penders.1984.Bojonegoro 1900-1942: A Story of Endemic Poverty in North-East Java-Indonesia
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Tahir, Ratnawati.2010. Revolusi Hijau dan Keterpinggiran Petani Kecil. Makasar:  Fahmis Pustaka
Wijaya , Wawuk Kristian, Analisis Peran Greja Kristen Jawi Wetan (GKJW) Sebagai Gereja Berbasis Agraris, dalam Gema Duta Wacana Vol. 31, No. 2, Oktober 2007, hal. 92.


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